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Goal Reflection: A Shift Towards Leading

When I first applied to the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program, I wanted to help my students become successful in our technology-driven world and keep them and their families up-to-date on technological advances in education. I hoped to set my students up for success when working with technology. I also wanted to increase collaboration with colleagues. I always felt that Michigan State University was big on collaboration, so I was hopeful that collaboration with colleagues would continue and improve. Lastly, I hoped that I would find opportunities to share my learning in more formal environments.

The shift in my goals happened for a few reasons. First, as I worked my way through the program courses, I sensed a common theme - the “why” of technology use. Why am I using it? Why is it a good fit? Do my students understand why they are using it? It caused me to think more deeply about why I was using technology in my classroom. If I want my students to be successful with technology, they have to understand why they are using it. Once they understand why, they will take ownership, and then they will be on their way to becoming leaders of their own learning. I now make it my goal to explain to my students the purpose for each piece of technology they use. My goals also shifted because I found parents were not as out of touch with technology as I thought. I try to communicate with them through technology (like a blog and instagram account) but also expose them to resources to help their students (Adapted Mind, Raz-Kids, etc.). Finally, in terms of myself, my goal moved to a leadership goal because I now feel more confident in my skills and abilities. I led my own professional development this year on using social media in the classroom. The MAET program has taught me that I can be a resource for my colleagues, and it all starts with stepping up, sharing my knowledge, and being a leader.

Presently, my goals have shifted a bit. I still focus on my students, their families, and my own professionalism, but in a different way. In terms of my students, my goal is not only to help them find success when using the technology, but also to help them become a leader of their own learning through using it. I still want to keep my students’ families up-to-date on technological advances in education. However, my goal now is more focused on my communication with families and reaching out to them with technology to share what’s happening in the classroom. As I am nearing the end of the MAET program, I feel more of a push to take on leadership roles with technology. My goal is to step up more, to lead more, and to become a resource for various staff members - all the while, extending my own learning through their knowledge base.

Image credit: free from Wix gallery.

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